From a young age, Diksha was surrounded by art in all its forms, with both her aunts deeply immersed in creative pursuits—one a professional fashion designer and the other a talented painter. Inspired by their passion, Diksha found herself drawn to sketching, drawing, and experimenting with various mediums, including oil, acrylic, and fabric paints.

As she matured, Diksha's interests expanded beyond the visual arts to encompass dance and music, passions she pursued fervently, undergoing extensive training in dance over the years. Despite her diverse artistic inclinations, Diksha's career path initially led her into the world of image consulting and art direction, where she honed her skills in providing visual direction and appeal to numerous brands.

It was during this transformative period that Diksha had the privilege of learning from the esteemed Mr. Gautam Kalra, a seasoned veteran in the industry. Under his mentorship, Diksha not only refined her craft but also cultivated the courage and vision to embark on her own entrepreneurial journey.

With a wealth of experience spanning a decade, Diksha's passion for creativity and her keen eye for aesthetics culminated in the launch of Graykloud. Drawing upon her multifaceted background and guided by her unique artistic sensibilities, Diksha set out to establish Graykloud as a manifestation of balance, sophistication, and inclusivity in the world of fashion.